Demonstrating our customary attention and responsiveness to market demands, and in line with our company's dedication to innovation, we would like to inform you that the POLYPAL 607 system is being integrated with the following two new bases:

  • 607.9322 ROSSO EXTRA | EXTRA RED

The introduction of the two new Polypal bases represents a significant upgrade in terms of color yield and coverage within the RAL yellow and red color spectrum that can be replicated using the Polypal 607 tintometric system.
This evolution of the POLYPAL 607 system will result in greater customer satisfaction and an overall improvement in system performance.

The PalColorFinder color search software, with the update set for release in September 2023 (DB 0136), highlights the two new Polypal 607 bases through the new "HC" (HIGH COVERAGE) version.

By entering the color code to be replicated, it will be possible to select the "HC - High Coverage” which will provide the color recipe with the new high-coverage bases.